Sunday, May 8, 2011

Birmingham Professional College (BPC)

1. The College comprises of four  Campus and Centers.
2. Offering various courses at foundation, graduate, postgraduate 
    and professional levels in a wide range of subjects.
3. Welcome Academic Exchange Programmes  throughout  the world.
4. Offering  Study and earning programmes through academic exchange.
5. The goal of  BPC is to promote world peace and understanding through
     cultural exchanges and by establishing global friendships.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

AIPMA: Invitation to Join AIPMA

AIPMA: Invitation to Join AIPMA: "Dear Sir / Ma'am Please allow me to introduce ourselves as All India Professional and Management Association (AIPMA), an upcoming Managemen..."

Invitation to Join AIPMA

Dear Sir / Ma'am

Please allow me to introduce ourselves as All India Professional and Management Association (AIPMA), an upcoming Management Association empowering Institutional, Corporate and Student Members.

We came into existence in the year 2008 and have since then been growing at a rapid pace increasing our Membership base at a high frequency.

Our area of activities and services offered broadly include the following:

          - University Representation (Indian and Foreign)
          - Testing and Allied Services (Faculties, Students and Corporate)
          - Database and Directory Management (Prospective Students, Colleges, Schools, 
            Professional Institutions, Corporate, etc)                                                   
          - Academic and Examination Management and Monitoring Services
          - Placement Services (Students and Faculties)
          - Long-term and Short-term courses and certification programs

We would like to take this opportunity to invite your Institution, its Faculties and Students to join our Association.

Our members, both Institutional and Individual enjoy a huge boutique of benefits, details of which are available in the attached documents.

In case of any queries or clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Warm Regards

Prajjwol Kunwar                 Mukesh Yadav                   Jyoti Kamboj
Marketing Executive             Marketing Executive            Marketing Executive        
+91-7503698928                 +91-955967625                    +91-9560035884

AIPMA House, Plot No. 523/4A-21, Shanti Nagar (Service Lane), NH – 8, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana (India)
Website: Email: Phone: 0124-2221530

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AIPMA Memebership- Individual

AIPMA House, Plot No. 523/4A-21, Shanti Nagar (Service Lane), NH – 8, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana (India) Website: Email: Phone: 0124-2221530

Category Applied For: (1) Life Membership (2) Annual Membership (3) Student Membership
                                     (4) Up gradation (quote last membership no.) ____________________

Name (in Capital): ___________________________________________________________

Father’s / Husband’s Name: ____________________________________________________

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): ___________________________________________________

Gender (Male / Female): _______________________________________________________

Marital Status: _______________________________________________________________

Academic / Professional Qualification: ____________________________________________

Home Address: _______________________________________________________________


Telephone No: ______________ Mobile: _____________ Email: _______________________

Name of Current Organization / Institution: _________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Telephone No: ________________ Fax: _______________ Email: _______________________

Current Designation: ____________________________________________________________

Preferred Communication Address: (1) Home (2) Work

Previous Experience:

Tenure (From – To)

Are you already a Member of any Local Management Association: Yes / No

If Yes:                   Name of the Association: __________________________________

Declaration By Applicant

I declare that the statements by me in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I agree to be governed by the bye-laws of AIPMA as they now exist and hereafter as altered. I further undertake to promote the objectives of AIPMA to the best of my power. If at any time, I fail to comply with the membership requirements of AIPMA, I undertake to return the Certificate of Membership and forfeit the privileges associated with the Membership.

        Date: _______________________                                     Signature

                                                                                                     Name (in block letters)

Documents Required: (a) Proof of Age  (b) Proof of Academic / Professional Qualification (c) Drawing of Organization Chart showing your current position

Payment Details (to be filled in by Applicant)

     Draft Number: ______________________        Amount: ________________________

     Issuing Bank: _______________________        Date of Issue: ___________________

PS: Please forward this Application to AIPMA along with crossed D.D. for amount as applicable for the membership applied for.



Membership Type
Membership Code
Corporate Member
Associate Member
Student Member



To become eligible, the individual must have one of the following qualifications:

  1. The individual must be a Senior Management functionary in either a Public or Private Sector Organization and based on his / her personal contribution the company had made substantial progress in their revenue and profits, new initiatives, new directions in the last 2-3 years. Such an individual should have contributed to the Management movement by writing articles or giving lectures or must be regularly invited to speak at various conventions and seminars.

  1. The individual could also be from academics and who has made a substantive contribution to Management thought and movement by presenting research papers or writing well argued articles supporting his / her own point of view.

  1. Individuals with technical / Legal background / Chartered Accountant / Cost and Work Accountants / Company Secretary / Defense Personnel / Doctors etc would also be eligible for corporate  membership of AIPMA, if they have in some manner demonstrated either as faculty, writing or publishing articles etc on Management subjects or have had contributions that they made in their company or institution or profession as mentioned in Point No.1 above, which would make them eligible for corporate membership.


This membership is applicable to management professionals or equivalents who expect to occupy senior management positions in due course of their career. Applicants should fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Must be over 21 years of age
  2. Should be one of the following:
                                                              i.      Executive of Public or Private sector organization / Public Administrator / Defense Services Official / Academician in related areas, with one year of experience.
                                                            ii.      Technical or legal professional / Chartered Accountant / Cost and Works Accountant / Company Secretary qualified from Indian / equivalent foreign institution, with one years of experience.
                                                          iii.      Doctor / Pharmacist / Architect / Stock or Share Broker / TQM consultant / Entrepreneur.
                                                          iv.      Degree / Diploma in management from AIPMA or a recognized University or Institution; or general management course from a recognized body with 1 year of experience.


This grade is applicable to students undergoing professional full time course from recognized/reputed institutions. This membership may subsequently be upgraded to a higher grade, after completion of the course or as and when eligible.


To apply for membership, please fill in the appropriate Application Form in duplicate, and send it along with Demand Draft for the amount of entrance fee and annual membership subscription, directly to the Membership Division of AIPMA.

New members are enrolled on a financial year basis. Members admitted between April and September shall have to pay full year's subscription, whereas those admitted between October and March shall have to pay half year's subscription. In both cases, entrance fee shall have to be paid in full. List of all new members shall be published in the AIPMA Newsletter. An annual list of members in each grade will also be published.


Membership of AIPMA is recognition of the applicant's achievements as a professional and commitment to the cause of the profession. It gives a chance to establish valuable contacts with other members, exchange ideas and information and represent issues of common concern at local and national forums. The member is entitled to a whole range of management services and development activities directed towards enhancing professional and managerial skills. He/She is also entitled to special privileges in various business services. This includes the followings:

  • The rights and privileges of the Association in accordance with the provision of Memorandum of the Association, Rules and Regulations and the Bye-laws. These rights and privileges will be non-transferable by his/her act or by operation of law.
  • Use of the membership titles by placing it after his / her name in abbreviated form, stated in accordance with his / her membership type, namely, CMAIPMA, MAIPMA and SMAIPMA.
  • Every member (except Student) will have the right to be elected to the Council of Management of the Association on the basis of an All-India election by the Members.
  • Attend and participate in the meetings, discussions, film shows and other such events, which are organized by AIPMA or by its affiliated Associations from time to time.
  • Information regarding Management Development Programs conducted by overseas management associations is made available by AIPMA. Preference is given to members of AIPMA in sponsoring participants for such programs.
  • Free Passes to AIPMA sponsored cultural events.
  • Free of charge copy of AIPMA's monthly journal and quarterly AIPMA Newsletter and complimentary membership of AIPMA E-library.
  • Free of charge copy of journal or other free publications of the associate associations and also management films at a nominal price / rental.
  • All priced publications by AIPMA or Associate Associations will be made available to members at discounted rates.
  • Free access to the databases and directories for AIPMA members.

Membership Type
Life Subscription Fee (Rs.)
Corporate Member
10000 + Entrance Fee
Associate Member
5000 + Entrance Fee

Membership Type
One Time Entrance Fee (Rs.)
Annual Subscription (Rs.)
Corporate Member
Associate Member

Overseas Membership
One Time Entrance Fee (USD)
Annual Subscription (USD)
Life Subscription Fee(USD)
Corporate Member
Associate Member

All subscriptions and entrance fee will have to be paid only by a bank draft drawn in favor of ALL INDIA PROFESSIONAL & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, payable at GURGAON, INDIA

Subscriptions are subject to review from time to time by the Management Council of AIPMA, without prior notice to the members.

AIPMA Memebership- Institution

Applicable For:
  • Recognized Schools
  • B Schools
  • Colleges (Management, Engineering, Law, Medical, Hotel Management)
  • Professional Institutions
  • Distance Education Study Center, etc.

Membership Benefits:
  • Opportunity to interact with topmost CEO’s and famous academicians.
  • Complimentary copies of AIPMA quarterly E-news Letter.
  • Concession in fees for Management Development Programs.
  • Discounted price for AIPMA Publications and Management Films.
  • E-library Facilities.
  • Free access to the databases and directories.
  • Faculty Accreditation at Membership Rates.
  • Free web-space for Institutional members on the AIPMA website.
  • Career Fair Space at Membership Rates.
  • Career Guidance Seminars for Students.
  • Consultancy Services for Affiliation to Indian / Foreign Boards / Universities, Statutory Institutions, Chamber of Commerce, etc.
  • Facilitation of student exchange programs, faculty exchange programs and semester exchange programs with foreign universities and colleges.
  • Conduct of Aptitude / Psychometric Tests specifically for Schools, Colleges and other Institutions.
  • AIPMA Training & Workshop facilities at discounted rates:
    • Personality Development and Soft Skills Trainings
    • Computer Trainings for staff/ students
    • Employability Training for students
    • Train the Trainer Programs for staff
    • Group Discussion and Personal Interview workshops
  • AIPMA Admission guidance:
    • Admission Reference to Schools, Colleges and other Institutions
    • New Admission Referrals from overseas
    • Orientation Workshop for new admission

Professional Institutes / Universities / Colleges
Entrance Fees
Subscription Fees
Life Membership
Annual Membership

Schools / Distance Learning Study Centers
Entrance Fees
Subscription Fees
Life Membership
Annual Membership

All subscriptions and entrance fee will have to be paid only by a bank draft drawn in favour of ALL INDIA PROFESSIONAL & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (AIPMA), payable at GURGAON, INDIA.
Subscriptions are subject to review from time to time by the Management Council of AIPMA, without prior notice to the members.


AIPMA House, Plot No. 523/4A-21, Shanti Nagar (Service Lane), NH – 8, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana (India)
Website: Email: Phone: 0124-2221530

Category Applied For: (1) Life Membership (2) Annual Membership (3) Up gradation /

Renewal (quote last membership no.) _______________________

Institution’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


Telephone No: ____________________ Fax: ________________ Email: _________________________

Name and Designation of Head of Institution: ______________________________________________

Name and Designation of your representatives in AIPMA

1.            _____________________________________ 2. ______________________________________

Are you already a Member of any Local Management Association: Yes / No

If Yes:                   a. Name of the Association: __________________________________



Category of Institute: (a) School (b) College (c) University (d) Deemed University (e)

Professional Institute – MBA/MCA/HM/etc. (f) Distance Learning Study Center of UGC

(g) Approved Universities or De Novo Institutes (h) Others (please specify) ________________________

In case of Professional Institute, is you Institution approved by AICTE: Yes / No

If Yes:                  Please attach a copy of the approval certificate

Nature of Institution:
(Under Central Govt. / State Govt. / Public Sector / Private / Autonomous / Trust / Society / Partnership / Proprietorship / Pvt. Ltd. / Ltd. (Please tick)

We declare that the statements made herein are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We agree to be governed by the rules and regulations lay down by All India Professional Management Association (AIPMA) as lay down and amended from time to time.



                                                                                                       For And On Behalf Of



                 Institution Seal                                                            Name (in block letters)

Documents Required:

a)    Institutional Profile
b)     AICTE Approval Certificate (for educational institutions only)